24 September 2005

It has occurred to me,

That the world is lacking in some kind of coherent philosophy organisation... like a Plato inc. or something along those lines. It would (to me) seem very useful for backyard philosophers such as myself to have some sort of support both on the internet and in the real world. I would think that the direction that society in general is headed in would only warrant more and more philosophers these days. Only problem is that by all appearance I'm seeing the opposite, a general decline in both notable and backyard philosophy, and from the philosopher's standpoint I (of course) question why? WHY? why are we not finding an even greater proportion of the population of this planet asking questions about meaning and existence? is it that much easier to subscribe to a religion? is it that much easier to swallow the pill society feeds us? I would think that people would slowly evolve to be more intelligent and eventually learn to put up with less of the crap thats being fed to us by our governments/religious organisations/corporations etc... but its not happening, and it doesnt seem likely to happen in my lifetime. Sad but true. I feel somewhat to have either missed the boat entirely or I have been too early with my way of thinking for this world, like a person trapped in the eighties wearing seventies clothing only to find out that it will be popular again next decade, I long to be around people that both ascribe and agree with this train of thought... though I may be waiting another decade, I will wait for you my dear friend!

Fragile grace, eternal grace...

Nothing untoward locked eyes with sacred grace,
Beheld lo beheld dear; forgetting not the face,
Crystal palace upon the wall,
Remind her heart
remind us all,
Of our place in your world,
Eternal grace
beauty’s face,
Fill this space with endless grace.


Watching for the day to break clean of the night,
When I will truly rise in spirit and mind,
Tired of the night, the days blend into one,
We’ve all forgotten the ways that long ago we fought so hard for,
Is this being lost, into a question upon la mer,
Is being lost so bad? Is being lost worth dying for?
Sad the process of thought inside one’s mind yet to learn,
Like a star soon to slip back into the void,
Forever vanished without a single glance,
Or the attention of a single thought,
The hope exceeds the means at times,
As the mean exceeds all effort,
We can turn back to the ways of old,
When meaning was enough to sustain us,
But first we must remember the past…
Will I return to sleep with fragments?
And wake with enlightenment?
I can only hope.

I long for autumn....

Beautiful tree, dying now but it was beautiful once, the epitome of life... life ends, but we must reach out and embrace it when we can.

22 September 2005

change this condition

Words... just words.

They become minor with repetition, meaningless without attention.
Maybe I am a nobody - but a real nobody is something more palatable than a fake somebody. We have decades of life that some never recieve.
We hate our bodies... ourself... and wish to climb out of our skin, or slice segments off, all for the ever watchful and ever changing eye of the beholder.
We have lost sight so much that some of us would rather be dead... maybe we're just blind.
We call this culture "Western society", just another word for "American".
We all seem to work our days to provide, for ourselves, for our loved ones, for a lifetime.
Capitalism is no longer a system but a condition. If you aren't famous or you don't own a nice car or a house or have a partner in life, you are nothing.
Truth is that you are nothing when you have these things anyway.
To care is to wage battle against the odds of this cold and shallow-hearted world, deemed by the many fools to be too powerful to destroy itself.
But I care because its in my nature to. And I am willing to show love for others because I want to change this world for the better.
If life is a race let me finish last so that others may finish ahead of me. Let the example become the new norm. Let these words be neither minor nor meaningless. And most of all - show the world that you care. Not for you, but for everyone.

19 September 2005

I guess its been a while since i've had short hair, so here is the new doc!

09 September 2005

Sometimes we take photos to remember, sometimes to forget... good bye Betsy, you'll always be my first!

Watch the ice melt.... neat eh?

Neither lack nor loss of inspiration,

Has been the cause of my delay in posting anything new. Just piles of work (both uni and part-time job) and an almost complete focus into producing electronic music... and I've also been riding the fine line between complete delusion and gifted thought. The only downside is that I'm not sure which is which. My mind reached a complete blank wall several weeks ago and now I feel that its pulled itself up and created something amazingly fragile and tangible, but its hanging on a thread... if that thread should snap I will fall back to reality, part of me wants this, but the curious side wants to keep moving, keep seeking... who knows what lays ahead?
maybe... If I ever get to that point i'll be sure to let you know what awaits, but until then...

- \ | / -

The rhythm of your sigh
echoes in the mind
when in the ocean sound
I’m lost forever yours
and holding onto dreams
tightly in both hands
never to let go,
You are real;
more real than reality
far better than hope
waging the endless battle
for what’s neither mine
nor yours,
the burning in this soul
abstract flame of love
is created around you
is not of you
is not of me,
This emotional by-product
just chemicals inside
nonetheless beautiful
no the more grotesque
just what we have
in the single space
of an atom,
And I wonder if you feel the same
I wonder how and why
as we keep drifting together
feeling how we do
two reeds in the sea
one drop in the ocean,
This you,
This me.

A man...

As this time in all
I roam as the wolf without pack
tense but fluid in the forevermore
the forever gone
forgotten but foretold
silent in the waking hours
music in my dreams
neither heroic warrior
nor demonic beast
just a man.

Into her eyes...

Wondering for the wait
when her breath draws near
couldn’t stand; to stand but sit
couldn’t stand you near,
Pressure, like ice in a glacier
sliding off the mountainside,
The look into her eyes
lost in a forest
where empty feelings lie,
Jagged edged precipice

to look below
is to realise why I’m here,
Like a hot river
her breath floods my chest
driving my heart out of sync,
Only to swim against the tide
climb the abyss
and up the mountainside,
Stepping back out of the forest
I still hope to be lost into her eyes,
