24 September 2005


Watching for the day to break clean of the night,
When I will truly rise in spirit and mind,
Tired of the night, the days blend into one,
We’ve all forgotten the ways that long ago we fought so hard for,
Is this being lost, into a question upon la mer,
Is being lost so bad? Is being lost worth dying for?
Sad the process of thought inside one’s mind yet to learn,
Like a star soon to slip back into the void,
Forever vanished without a single glance,
Or the attention of a single thought,
The hope exceeds the means at times,
As the mean exceeds all effort,
We can turn back to the ways of old,
When meaning was enough to sustain us,
But first we must remember the past…
Will I return to sleep with fragments?
And wake with enlightenment?
I can only hope.

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