22 September 2005

change this condition

Words... just words.

They become minor with repetition, meaningless without attention.
Maybe I am a nobody - but a real nobody is something more palatable than a fake somebody. We have decades of life that some never recieve.
We hate our bodies... ourself... and wish to climb out of our skin, or slice segments off, all for the ever watchful and ever changing eye of the beholder.
We have lost sight so much that some of us would rather be dead... maybe we're just blind.
We call this culture "Western society", just another word for "American".
We all seem to work our days to provide, for ourselves, for our loved ones, for a lifetime.
Capitalism is no longer a system but a condition. If you aren't famous or you don't own a nice car or a house or have a partner in life, you are nothing.
Truth is that you are nothing when you have these things anyway.
To care is to wage battle against the odds of this cold and shallow-hearted world, deemed by the many fools to be too powerful to destroy itself.
But I care because its in my nature to. And I am willing to show love for others because I want to change this world for the better.
If life is a race let me finish last so that others may finish ahead of me. Let the example become the new norm. Let these words be neither minor nor meaningless. And most of all - show the world that you care. Not for you, but for everyone.

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