29 July 2005

a word to the millions

Sometimes we all lose sight of that goal in life, that personal goal that means everything to us. That goal that pushes us onwards and gives the general randomness and chaos in life much needed order. I've lost sight so many times that I wonder sometimes if I am blind to everything. I've lost sight again. This time not over a woman, god knows it would be easier if that were the case, but I feel that this time I have lost sight of the future. Its all just a blur and before I know it i'll be gone, and at this stage in my life i'll be lucky to realise it.
I understand that if anyone reads this they may think that I'm feeling a bit down at this point of realisation, I just need to clear this up- I'm not, some of the best times in my life have been the moments when i've felt that awesome wave of understanding that comes before a realisation of what one must do and this point in my life is no different. I know it will happen for me, when my house will be put into order again, and I know that it will happen to you, as it happens to nearly everyone in this world who has the motive and abilities for it, I guess the point I'm making to myself and anyone who reads this is- dont worry too much about it. We will all find ourselves in this place at some point. No one knows exactly what they want in life all the time, if your anything like me you'll spend most of your years wondering (lets hope not!) and the main issue here is just to let things take place (and ideas) when they need to, no one should be in too much of a hurry to live their life (unless your in your seventies and you've only just discovered what you want to do). So chill. That will be my new philosophy (until I get bored of it!), and the clear light of realisation will blind your eyes, or even just leave those purple blotches that you get after you look into a bright light.
Farewell, you mariners of the net...

1 comment:

Calvin said...

wow.. the similarity of thought between the two posts is quite uncanny!

i'll put out word for the alley photos.. but would you like me to give out your email id to send the pics to, or how do you want to do it?

keep writing!