Cernunnos walks at my side
Armed with sword and staff,
And in the darkest of nights,
My tears fly before him. He
Looks into my eyes, with open
Arms, he welcomes me,
And brightens my days,
Until my worries become nothing.
In the darkest of nights,
In the darkest of nights,
I raise my hands in prayer to the god,
Cernunnos, Lord of the Earth
He who was the first of any to die,
And the first of any to be reborn.
He who rises with the Sun each day,
And sets with it each night.
Out of my darkness and death,
I call to you, Cernunnos, Lord of All.
Out of my need, I send my voice
With honour and longing,
With honour and longing,
In hope of intercession:Grant me my prayers, Mighty One,
You who knows what it is to suffer.
Grant me my prayers, Antlered One,
You who are the Great Giver.
In the center of the storm, there is calm.
In the center of confusion, there is peace.
In the center of exhaustion, there is rest.
Cernunnos, sitting in the midst of the world
Lead me to the Center and grant me the Calm and the Peace and the Rest that is found there.
Grant me my prayers, Mighty One,
Grant me my prayers, Mighty One,
You who know what it is to suffer.
Grant me my prayers, Antlered One,
You who are the Great Giver.