04 June 2005

What can I say, I love my Pernod.

"We all stand on the brink of tomorrow, on the edge of forever." -drl.

More about nothing.

Nothing. Its a brilliant concept. At once seen by people as something both negative and a non entity, which is understandable, because nothing is a non entity. But nothing is not a negative. I see nothing as something positive, something tangible, so this makes me a minimalist? yes it does to a degree... I like to think less is more and that nothing is everything. Why do we need more material possessions? more stuff? does it ever make us happy... I'm not saying I dont have material possessions; I own stuff, not alot of stuff but I do own things. And the things I own do make me happy to a degree (God forbid my life without my fender stratocaster... would certainly be a bit quieter though : ) ...). But I never let my possessions become the be-all and end-all of my life... and I dont stay awake at night worrying if I cant afford a Ferrari... but I guess that just makes me luckier than the people that do.

Anyway, this was just another tangent I'm off on... another insight into my mind (not that I care if people understand me or not). Its just good to bring to the forefront my sub conscious thoughts every now and then... If I could only reach the bottom and make it back up for air... hmmm, now theres a challenge!

03 June 2005

"A journey must begin... but it need not ever end." -drl. Posted by Hello

And Thus Spoke Celticdiardan...

In this modern world (I believe it is such), its quite easy to lose sight of the important things, the small things (which I find are of much greater importance). Its for this reason that I speak about this loss of sight... we can sometimes find ourselves blinded by weighty matters and forget the little things in life. A good quote in the gospel of Thomas (one of the unofficial chapters of the bible. Its ambiguity worried the early church and so they banned it from the bible)... anyway here it is: 5. "Yeshua says: Recognize Him in front of thy face, and what is hidden from thee shall be revealed to thee. For there is nothing concealed which shall not be manifest, and nothing buried that shall not be raised."
What I take from this scripture is both the fact that we should face problems front on when they appear, and that the obivous (be they the mysteries of the universe) should become clear when we face the issue. It can be quite easy to accept the world for what you see and never once ask questions, but this can lead to a simple and (perhaps) boring existence. We must all reach a point in life where we turn to face our doubts and ask ourselves questions about why this happens or why that happened... its the nature of humanity, to ask why, its what I face everyday when I get out of bed, why are we here, why did humanity happen? was it just a random atom here and there? I find that hard to fathom, the odds are greatly stacked against evolution... but I also think the odds are greatly stacked against theology... is there a happy and realistic middle ground? ...well if I could answer that question I certainly wouldnt be sitting in front of a computer pouring out a complete tangent, I would most likely be telling everyone I could about the "meaning" of it all. Anyhow, I'm really just speaking off the cuff here, and needless to say it is pointless wondering how we came to be, we did, and we are, the main question I want to answer is; what is on the other side, if anything?

Maybe i'll learn soon enough?

But i'll say one thing: it sure as hell is one great motherf**king mystery... and I'm sure if it could elude Plato then I'm in way over my head... But it doesnt hurt to wonder ; )

02 June 2005

The three greatest Virtues

I just thought I would write about what I think are the three greatest virtues:

1. Compassion. If three virtues seems a bit much for you then you should at least try to live by one. Compassion is by far the most important virtue in this world and is by far the least lived by virtue. Why? because Compassion is a completely selfless act, if you act in Compassion you are almost never acting for your own benefit. If everyone on earth acted with Compassion in mind it would be a much nicer existence for all... I'm not saying the world would be perfect but people as a whole would be happier. And although I talk about Compassion being the most important virtue I'm not painting a picture of myself as someone entirely Compassionate, just as some who strives to be that way.

2. Honour. Honour is important. Not only Honouring others as decent human beings no matter what they believe. I mean also to Honour yourself. You are who you are (cliche alert!), and if you cant change yourself you should at least be happy with yourself. Nobodys perfect. Not even God... you know of all that smiting stuff he did in the old testament, would a perfect God do that? So when I talk about Honour I mean both of other people and yourself. But remember, dont let Honouring yourself become foolish pride... pride is never a virtue unless its reigned in carefully.

3. Trust. When you have Trust in others you also project yourself as an Honest person. I understand that there's people out there that will try to screw you over (I know because they've already screwed me over!), but if we cannot Trust people then what can we do? Should we be fearful and paranoid all our lives? Should we believe that the next person to come along will betray us? I've been in that mind set before and I can tell you that its not a constructive state of mind... its something that tears you up inside and slowly eats away all the good things, those things that make you human.

Anyway, thats it... If you have any suggestions (or disagreements) please comment.

01 June 2005

How great it feels to finally get my first comment

Wow, I got a comment... only took a year or so before it happened. And I must say that its certainly renewed my fevour for my Blog spot. Much to the point that I actually posted a photo and wrote this... and more to the point that I may actually post a poem or two in the coming week, but dont get your hopes up, I've got exams to pretend I'm interested in ;)

Anyway, to all you bloggers out there that took the time to read me, this one's for you!

Sorry, that was me being literal again,
Nightie Night Night... Night.

Ay tis me Posted by Hello